Lol whut. So the solution to end body shaming on mainstream media is... Badum-tss more body shaming!!! THATS THE WAY TO GO SOCIETY YEAH!!!
Skinny? Curvy? Average? FUCK THAT FUCK ALL OF YOU, BODY SHAMING IS THE WAY TO GO!! Cause, you know, instead of like discouraging body shaming as a whole, we end body shaming with MORE BODY SHAMING. Its amazing right, just like probably how we end cancer by inducing MORE CANCER!!! Thats right, this doesn't make sense, neither does treating body shaming with more body shaming makes sense either. Her point there was that other people must hurt to understand how other people ALSO hurt.
What the fuck logic is that? Isn't the reasonable thing is to STOP body shaming ALTOGETHER? Nobody gets hurt, win win. Also, not meant to be insensitive but please show me a song lyric that glorifies being skinny... Please do. I will probably get into an accident in my car and then die from a seizure if a song like that comes on the radio. Instead, I'm listening to Anaconda and All About That Bass constantly on our mainstream media.
Now, I don't have a problem with these songs. I really don't because I'm pass the point where I let media influence me and my thoughts. If anything I sing along to All About That Bass cause it's catchy. (OMG PAUSE GUYS, CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT ALL ABOUT THAT BASS FOR A SEC? My god, I've never heard of such a hypocritical, self-contradicting song. She said "every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top", which is good right? You'd think she was promoting self love for your own body regardless of size. NOPE. She goes ahead and sing about how "Boys like a little more to hold at night" and "I won't be no stick figure silicon barbie doll" sorry Meghan did you just eat your words??)
(2nd time typing this cause blogger didn't save - yet again) Self-insecurity, self-comparison and pressures that stems from seeing other people's bodies on the media is human nature. It is normal to want something you don't have. Normal to focus on different aspects of the media and feel inadequate, like being told you're not good enough or you should look a certain way to be considered beautiful. Probably just like larger women, they are groomed and governed to think that skinny is good and skinny is beautiful, just by watching skinny ass bitches stomping down runways. But from MY point of view of being a skinny ass.. Media has always taught me that curvier is better. At times I feel very insecure about my body, and I constantly wish I had bigger hips, bigger boobs etc etc. Just bigger. Because I'm groomed by a different aspect of our media. I see beautiful hot chicks in bikinis, in films with meat (because seriously, who the fuck wants to see bones in a bikini?) and people around me quoting things like "real women have curves" or "only dogs go for bones, real men go for meat" (if you have not heard of these infamous quotes by body shaming nobodies, what rock have you been under?!) and various mainstream songs (All About That Bass, Anaconda) while some people only notice skinny bitches on runways and even skinnier bitches being photoshopped thinner in magazines. You say the mainstream media is ONLY encouraging being skinny but I say thats wrong. It depends on what aspect of the media YOU focus on.
Now, I'm not saying that skinny girls have it worse, my point is
no matter your body size, no matter how big or small you are or regardless of being skinny or curvy,
we've all been there before, only in different ways. We all hurt in different ways, but hurt nevertheless by our body size and what we perceive from media. It doesn't seem right to bash on a different body type when we were once there on the receiving end. Ultimately in the end, we are all female, and shouldn't we stick together and encourage one another that beauty is not defined by a particular body size? (Also if you are a self claimed feminist but hate on a certain body type.. Sorry bitch you ain't no feminist pls go enroll yourself into a feminism class and understand how it works)
As of 2014, do you see ANYONE glorifying and celebrating women of all shapes and sizes? Is there a song lyric on how beautiful all sizes are (except probably Who Says by Selena Gomez)? No? Hahahaha you'd think being in the 21st century, people would've figured out that glorifying skinny or curvy are both wrong, glorifying and celebrating ALL SHAPES AND SIZES IS THE WAY TO GO. Humanity as a whole has evolved so much, but at 2014 people's thinking are still so narrow. Must a person fit into a specific category (skinny/curvy) to be beautiful?
Also, let me put this here:
But mind you, it would not have been right for someone to sing about "fat bitches" as it is singing about "fuck skinny bitches", double standards or not. Like I said, instead of encouraging body shaming, why not end it altogether?
And also these:
(It was so so hard trying to type out this rant post because body size is somewhat a sensitive topic. Also,
as usual, it felt hard trying to translate my thoughts into words so I hope my point gets across somehow within the jumble of words without offending anyone)