Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Christmas special

Christmas was a bit different this year.. No staying up till 12am (lolol what staying up?? Normal sleeping time also 6am fml), wishing everyone Merry Christmas, opening presents, trying to persuade your doberman to let go of that christmas ornament or else (I swear it isn't even funny anymore).. I kind of missed that. I never realized how important that was to me until now.

Spent christmas with this bunch of people at, of all places, Kuala Selangor. Not exactly very christmassy, but it was fun nonetheless. Errrr at least the fireflies do make up for good christmas lightings HAHAHA.

Stayed at Fireflies Park Resort. At first it seemed a bit, well, unlike most hotels I'm used to: big, shiny and clean. It was so last minute and spontaneous anyway so what did we expect hahaha. It's a water chalet, but in reality its more like just little huts sitting on a swamp. Probably only slightly more atas than Shrek's swamp hahaha. Not that we minded, I'd prefer the company > accommodation any day please.

Uh, maybe except the toilet la hahaha. The door couldn't close and there wasn't any warm water.. So I survived on 3 small scoops of boiled kettle water + cold water LOL aiya one day mandi kerbau won't drop dead stinking with flies one la.

Had awesome seafood for our christmas dins!

Also went to go see the firefiles at the Kampung Kuantan Fireflies Park. It was RM50 per boat, which fits up to 4 people.. And it wasn't anything like we expected seriously. Before this, we all sort of imagined it to be swarms of fireflies in the air, surrounding the boats and all, but it isn't anything like that. Its just a short trip down the river, no fireflies in sight. If you look hard enough at the bushes along the river, it does look somewhat like little Christmas trees, which is actually quite pretty, but not as marvelous or as enchanting as everyone thinks. I did managed to catch one though, and it's adorable! They fly really slow and they're not afraid of people catching them. It was so pretty watching it sit, glowing on your hand in the dark, then watching it fly away. Unfortunately, no, it's really not a place for photo opportunities as everything is pitch black, but I wish I could!

I guess even though it's not really the traditional Christmas I'm used to, it was still pretty darn amazing. Few years ago, I would've never thought I'd have friends like these, now I do and I must be pretty lucky. Or just normal. 
Sunday, 21 December 2014

Finals are over!

Back after a long time.. Been quite busy with my mocks finals and all, and let me just say that UOL is.. TOUGH. SPM was stressful, A Levels was stressful and somewhat hard, but UOL is just on another level. A whole other level, not even exaggerating it. At least for A-levels, you kind of get the basics from SPM and whatnot, but for UOL, there's a whole leap. No "continuing" learning, not based on what you've already learned previously, no. For once in a long long time, I actually felt really helpless and stupid, and quite frankly, not being big-headed or anything but I've NEVER went into an exam hall and feel like I don't know anything, and I've NEVER felt like I just needed to pass, instead of getting an A as I usually aim for (*ahem fucking economics again, the one freaking subject that ruined my A-levels cert), and it's not like I didn't study or anything. No wonder the dropout rate last year for UOL was a whopping 50%, but not that I would ever consider such a thing. Disappointed in myself, but I'm giving myself a break right now before I dive nose first into my studies again.

In other news.. Piconut launched (kinda) and business has been ok. Not overwhelming but not not enough. Well, enough to the point that I had to sell the stuff that I originally wanted to keep for myself, so its not bad, thank you guys for being nice and supportive! Also haven't been 100% invested in business lately because of finals and now that I'm pretty free, I've opened preorders again and restocking, and also bringing in new things in a few weeks time, hopefully people will find it really cheap and affordable, unlike the things that I currently have in store because the quality is really good so good quality = expensive. Someone asked if its called piconut because I couldn't decide between pineapple and coconut HAHAHA but no, I had two hamsters called Pico and Nutso so that's where its from. Have I mentioned how much I've missed having hamsters?

A lot.

Anyway, hopefully with my free time right now I will be able to finish a few sewing projects I started agesssss ago and have some quality time to myself (aka Dota, drama and sleeping with no guilt conscience hehe). So here's to the holidays, Merry Christmas everyone! God knows I need it.