This man is an absolute geniuuuus.
He's full of twists and turns and surprises. Like the magical pot at the end of every rainbow. Like a unicorn. Or a minotaur, is that makes it any manlier.
In my opinion, a good movie is a good movie, and a bad movies are just bad and all that yadda yadda yadda.... But a great movie? A movie that stays in your head long after its over. A movie that makes you want to just talk about it, not just be like "oh it was nice" when its over and go on with your life. A movie that makes you really think about it, even when you're about to go to sleep (at least for me la)
And so far the only person who will probably ever invoke such deep thoughts in my head (when i'm not thinking about things like shihlin seafood tempura (poor example. I think about seafood tempura constantly) or the bit of dry skin at the end of my nose LOL) is Christopher Nolan.
I mean come on. Take for instance, the number one movie of all time (or maybe MY number one movie of all time), inception.
I watched that movie like 3 times. 3 hours each. 3 times in the cinema. I don't know how many times i've watched it outside the cinema alone.
The first 2 times i felt like it was a good movie. The 3rd time, however....... Kind of changed my life LOL. Like a switch just flipped and I just GOT IT. Ok no lah not that dramatic. But it made me think a lot. Especially that ending. GOD HOW BRILLIANT WAS THAT ENDING?? IT MADE ME SO ANGRY AND SAD BUT GLAD AT THE SAME TIME. AND THE SOUNDTRACKS. WHAT FEELS.
I read a lot of people's reviews of the movie online and a few people were saying that is mediocre??? WHAT. This movie just topped my list and set the bar so high, 4 years later (IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS?? SEEMS LIKE JUST YESTERDAY) my favourite movie is STILL inception, but its mediocre?? It was anything BUT. Come on, it was EPIC. Maybe the whole idea of the movie is mediocre. If it was under any other director, maybe it could've been mediocre. But it isn't just directed by anyone. Its Christopher Nolan. And he made a mediocre idea so freaking epic. A masterpiece of great proportions *goosebumps
And its not just Inception. Its dark knight. The prestige. (Transcendence would've been a perfect film for him to direct!!! WHYYYYYYYYYY) (Christopher Nolan passed on the directing to someone else for Transcendence *cue heartbreaking)
But you know what is even better than a movie directed by Christopher Nolan?
If the movie's soundtrack is ALSO composed by Hans Zimmer. Seriously, its not like those Avengers cheesy number. I feel like his soundtracks are wayyyy deeper than that, wtf. I sound so stupid but i dunno how to accurately express how i feel. Like his soundtracks ACTUALLY inspire some sort of feelings without any lyrics telling you to "shake dat booty" and all that wtf (not that i'm implying that his music is inspiring me to shake my booty wtf but i hope you get what i mean) (I think you should know by now that i'm very bad at metaphors lol)
Take for example, Time by Hans Zimmer for Inception.
I give you this moment of silence for you to listen to it. Just close your eyes and listen to the slow build up.. Then the instruments joining in gradually.. Then altogether ceasing..
.......Amen *sniffles
Yeah ok i assumed you listened to it. If you didn't, seriously, go away (if not why bother reading this far!!) But yeah. I've listened to this soundtrack since the release of Inception. I still can't get over it. Idk.. The feels *watery tear ducts
Ok la basically Hans Zimmer + Christopher Nolan = epicness. Like they were made for each other. The epitome of perfect.
Ok sorry (not sorry) for the verbal diarrhea. I initially wrote A LOT MORE (WHAT CAN I SAY THIS LOVE IS DEEP) but aiya way to wordy. Maybe another post LOLOL ok you guys don't need to come back anymore, I understand fml.
Ok sorry (not sorry) for the verbal diarrhea. I initially wrote A LOT MORE (WHAT CAN I SAY THIS LOVE IS DEEP) but aiya way to wordy. Maybe another post LOLOL ok you guys don't need to come back anymore, I understand fml.