Wednesday, 13 August 2014

July haul

Not really a haul kind of person but I'm super super happy with my July haul! Here's some of it:
Can you believe these two came in a set!! As in, top and bottoms set, though, pictured here is only the shorts.. And yeah I couldn't decide which color to get so I bought both sets!

Same with this too, came in a top and bottoms set, and I bought both colors again! Originally thought since I couldn't decide, I should get both and decide which one would look good on me, then sell off the one I didn't want.. But nope! When it arrived, my dilemma just escalated further and the easiest course of action was to just.. Keep all lolol. Shit.

The black dress is my FAVORITE one most of all. It is super body flattering thanks to the stripes I guess. The horizontal stripe makes my waist look trimmer and the vertical one makes my body look longer HAHA. Talk about optical illusion! Nah worn pic:

Problem is.. I don't really know whats the right occasion to wear this to! Casual or smart casual? Ugh suggestions please!

Also thinking about bringing these in to sell (I bought everything here overseas), but I don't know if people would love this as much as I do! Plus, I might have a booth with my friend at Curve's weekend flea market somewhere in Oct/Sept, so I'm thinking of selling these along with my camera lenses and my preloved clothes, how now brown cows?

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