I have a morbid fear of cockroaches. I absolutely despise them to no end. They always say cockroaches are more afraid of you than you are of them. I wield this knowledge when it comes to spiders, lizards and various other critters... But cockroaches are different. You'd think being the bigger species = intimidation superiority. No. This is simply because they just don't feel fear. They're not intelligent enough to feel that kind of emotion. Survival instinct? None. They've lived for so long and survived this far, survival instinct should be redundant by now.
I can't even begin to describe the countless times I've had cockroaches crawled on and even flown to my face, but tonight I am particularly pissed because it's 3am and I'm hungry. It is... The snacking hour. And I'm pissed. I cannot even cross the threshold into the kitchen without being AMBUSHED. AMBUSHED I TELL YOU. THIS PUNY THIS COCKROACH RAN TOWARDS ME and I thought, what a small little bugger, and proceeded to hunt for something to kill it. While doing so, A LARGER FRIEND WAS CRAWLING UP MY PANTS THIS WHOLE TIME. AMBUSHED. I STILL CAN'T GET OVER THAT FEELING. I'd normally attempt to kill them but 2?? At the same time?? Too much all at once. Without backup (aka dog), I'm overwhelmed. Yes my dog also sleeps according to human time. I'd wake the bugger up but it would also involve waking the whole house with it.
So now I am back in my room feeling pissed and hungry all at the same time. This is a bad combination of emotions.
All I can say is AT LEAST I have water in my room. I may starve but at least I won't die of thirst lol.
I might regret this deranged update tomorrow. Perhaps when I'm feeling more sensible and less hungry.
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