Tuesday 2 September 2014

Running man

Top from @sweet16commy (website / facebook). I personally love this baby doll top, in fact I bought one myself but in black before I received this, but obviously the one from sweet16 was of better quality!
Necklace; China // Crochet shorts; @bashclothing_

My newest, latest addiction: Running man!

My god when I started Running man it was like a revival of the soul LOLOL. I was brushing my teeth while watching when the top two scenes came up. I slobbered toothpaste all over my hair then I couldn't even wash it off LOL. I spent the next 2 mins rolling on my bathroom floor trying to recover my sanity. And there's a lot more scenes that were really hilarious la, screenshots can't express it properly. It's so refreshing to watch people who are not afraid of looking stupid in front of thousands of people. Needless to say, this is my new cheer-me-up pill. I'm so glad there's like over 200 episodes! Someone should definitely pay me to be a professional couch potato heuheu.

Also, starting Uni tomorrow. Back to routine for the first time in a very long time (4 months? My longest break in my LIFE). I'm excited to move on to a new phase of my life yet already feeling restless thinking about driving to uni, waking up early, trying to make new friends. I can't even get my sleeping schedule back on track, my normal sleeping time is *STILL* 6am. How is it possible to have jet lag without actually going anywhere?

Wish me luck on my orientation!


  1. Hi dear, may I know where do you usually shop for clothes and what size do you wear? I'm about your height too but thinner. You definitely give me confidence to dress up better! :)

    1. Aww thank you! This seriously makes me feel happy! I usually shop from Taobao or online blogshops and I always order the smallest size they have. If anything is still too big, I alter it myself! So I would really recommend getting a sewing machine for small people like us 😂

    2. Ooh.. That's great advice! Time to put my KH skills to use hahaha I hope xD Omg high five I love Taobao too! Don't really dare to buy clothes online though, cos sadly most of the time it's still too loose I end up giving it away or selling it :/
