Tuesday 18 March 2014

Common courtesies

Sewed and shorten the sleeves and the length so now i can wear it both ways (and also without looking like something puffy that ran away from the circus LOL) (unfortunately i didn't take a before pic - it was just that bad looking)

Some people really know how to manipulate and play around with the rules of common courtesies to get what they want, and they know the other person cannot say no cause common courtesy what! 

I really despise it sometimes.

I just hate how instead of doing it themselves, they would ask other people to do it for them, and thanks to this common courtesy, of course its damn hard to say no la and risk looking like an asshole, so you just help them anyway. 

And they don't do it once or twice, no. They do it every. Fucking. Time. 

At this point they're taking advantage of the art of common courtesies to do their bidding, not even taking in consideration how inconvenient it is for the other person but secretly feeling happy that its convenient for YOU because the other fella can't say no. 

Get my drift? (Also see: inconsideration) 

Scenario 1: someone hinting about needing help feeding their piranha. You're not close to this person (of course la if not want feed piranha for your best friend meh just tell your best friend to fuck off they would still understand), but at the same time, just for common courtesy sake, you offer to feed the piranha. At this point the other fella is doing a mental victory dance, that is exactly what they expected you to ask, and congratulations you were successfully manipulated into doing someone else's bidding for common courtesy's sake.

Scenario 2: someone asking you for help like lets say, fetching a ball. Could you fetch me that ball please? Since they asked so nicely, of course you can't say no. Its just a ball, you can do it, go ahead, or risk looking like a twat. You fetch the ball. You are done for. They are going to ask you to do it again.. And again.. And again.. Because they know you're just too fucking polite to say no (keeping in mind that the other person CAN get the ball, but they're asking YOU to "help" get it) 

Scenario 3: having dinner with a pal. Common courtesy would dictate that when the bill arrives, both parties would offer to pay. But the asshole lacking of common courtesy, would keep quiet while the other person pays. Like couldnt you at least pretend to take out your wallet? 

Ok la to be specific, the problem with the last scenario is just lacking in common courtesy, but the first two is how a manipulator would try to molest you into doing their bidding by taking advantage of your common courtesy. 

Ok rant over. It took me a long time thinking up of those scenarios cause i didnt want to seem like i was talking about specifically anyone in general (i kinda am actually) but yeah. Actually reading back now, i don't think anyone would understand what i was trying to convey LOL. 

1. Pls offer to pay for your food, or whatever you had used up. 
2. If you can do it yourself, can you not for the love of god ask someone else to do it?!

(Yeah basically all i wanted to say was in that last capitalised sentence. Dammit why didnt i just type that earlier and call it a day) 

Nah picture of me to offset the angry feelings: 

Huh? What do you mean its not me?? Where the fuck are your common courtesies >:( 

Ok calm down just kidding.

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