Sunday 16 March 2014


Ok back to blogging after years. Not really gonna be into it, but i'm gonna need a place to rant.. And also to swear a lot at other people LOL. 

Ok so just today i had to this with this bull:

Some asstwat using my insta pics to sell their shit wear of clothes.

You'd think that i'd feel flattered or something but NO. This is so wrong on SO many levels i just can't deal with the amount of bullshittery this fella is coming up with. 

1. I did not buy my clothes from them.

2. That's like cheating their customers. Yadda yadda i know normally blogshops use stock images that don't belong to them but i alter my clothes A LOT and two out of all the clothes they posted, i sewed and altered. So yeah if their customer bought their clothes based on my pics they posted, they're cheating them of their money cause tadah its really shit. (May or may not be valid argument but fuck that)

3. They did not ask for my permission. (Imagine my pleasant surprise when carrying out my daily online shopping routine, only to stumble across my own pictures wtf) (ooh i look good in that skirt maybe i should buy it) (jk most likely i will never buy anything from you!! Congrats!)

4. Did not even tag or credit my pictures.

5. No fucking work ethics (need i say more? Please) 

6. Guilty of attempted asslick.

Haha yah my whatsapp notification was essentially about them.

Ha ha, im supposed be flattered by your empty words while you make a profit off MY pics without crediting, asking for permission, or even you know, giving me something back in return (what? I don't like being used for free, i'm not cheap), then you still have the guts to ask me to "model" for you? Ya since you went ahead and used my pics without my permission, maybe i should model for your shop for free also yeah? Nothing one la right, i just get paid in compliments and flattery while you get paid in profits la right? 

NO FUCK YOU AND YOUR MUMMERS FARCE (yay i learnt something fancy from reading game of thrones)

The level of absurdity displayed by this fella is truly, and sincerely, really really pissifying to deal with.

I will credit them with this though: they were polite and they removed it after i sent in that angry reply (not after the first, fb message though! Noooo gotta try and werk their way around some asswiping first cause apparently i look like some piece of excrement) (figuritively speaking)

Will probably regret writing something so mean but for now...


  1. You're not mean at all. You're doing it right. Their clothes are quite fashionable. Thought of buying clothes from them although their clothes most likely are from taobao. But after reading your blog. Definitely a NO. anyways I'm a fan of yours since last 2 years. When you're still studying at ts :)

    1. Yeah i bought those clothes off taobao heh. Wah you make me feel so shy now LOL, i always thought a lot of people hated me in TS. Thanks tho :)
