Friday 4 April 2014

Not so trendy after all

Another no ethics blogshop, case 2.. Which i was a paying customer for reals (dammit if someone created like an online platform to just TALK about online shopping and reviews and shit it would be SO much better) From my title you could probably guess which blogshop its from.. Or not LOL. Its generally quite a popular one.

Ok so i started off my day quite badly. Got into my first car accident on the way to college, afterwards i was quite shaken up but i STILL had to attend a one on one class with just me and my lecturer. 

During class i had to constantly answer phonecalls (to the annoyance of my lecturer) regarding my car, cause my friends were helping me take my car to the workshop to repair (ya basically i didnt do anything myself to rectify it la wtf). 

So imagine this, i'm trying to juggle answering phonecalls and listening to my lecturer AND doing accounts simultaneously (cause she was giving me the death stare - one on one class remember?) and i have to deal with this blogshop -_-

Pls take note that they said FREE SHIPPING. When people say free shipping they usually mean postage fee is included (that is what most blogshops do right), little did i know how free the shipping was -.- 

While in my state of juggling tasks, someone from the blogshop KEPT CALLING ME IN CLASS. They kept asking where exactly is the address to deliver it and whether i can speak in chinese -_-

I thought you said free shipping? I cant believe that they're so hard pressed on earning that extra 7 bucks (normal postage fee) that they would actually deliver it themselves. I promptly replied no (to speaking chinese) because i had already so much shit to deal with, i gotta tap into the oriental part of my brain and stutter my way through my limited knowledge of chinese in the midst of doing everything else? NO. 

She kept badgering me even when i gave her directions she kept calling me back. At one point she asked me if i could come and meet her to take the things.

WHAT???? YOU SAID FREE SHIPPING NOT FREE COD (cash on delivery). She kept calling and badgering me without even thinking that, oh i dunno, at 11am normal people have CLASSES AND WORK TO DO?? I'm in fucking class and you want me to meet you? YOU SAID FREE SHIPPING EVERYONE PLEASE EMPHASIZE ON THE SHIPPING PART NOT FUCKING MEET UP.

Obviously i said no and she still has the audacity to tsk me over the phone. At this point i just resigned with my fate la i'm destined to deal with stupid people for the rest of my life. 

Finally she was done and when i went home...... Waiting for me..... Was this pleasant surprise: 

Pls god what have i done wrong oh gods i yield i yield pls don't throw me anymore stupid people my way. 

How the fuck does it even look alike?? 

They're of an entirely different color, at this point even my sewing machine could not fix this. The color was SKIN TONE color instead of the peachy color in their picture displayed -.- i literally cannot wear this out without looking naked at first glance with cherries growing on me. Don't even get me started on the material. 

Update: Ok la, maybe it was a bit too much to call people stupid.. I mean I geddit you want to earn extra cash whenever you can right. It just bothered me at a very inconvenient time (oh ya didn't even ask if i was busy or what now means NOW). But they shouldn't make false promises and conditions then don't deliver it. If I knew she was gonna do a COD I would've thought twice right -_- or paid more for postage. Aih see this is what happens when I see cheap stuff on blogshops. I just see the $$$ and the cheapo part of me came out and I didn't even stop to consider.

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