I seriously think I have a huge shopping addiction problem. Every time I shop, I buy about 10+ items of clothings (online shopping.. psst everything I buy is super cheap by the way, thats why I can afford it LOL) (yup I'm very kiam siap ok) but the amount of occasions I get to wear them.. Well there isn't more than 10 occasions for that.
So naturally my clothes will sit in my closet for like dunno how long before I can wear them out. Not like I can wear them to mamak too, boyfriend will nag me about being overdressed
Like for example, recently I just ordered 13 items of clothing from china.. It hasn't arrived yet, but my current shopping cart has a total of......... 138 items HAHAHA LORD SAVE ME.
Obviously not going to buy them ALL. But out of this 138 pieces, I'm probably going to like single out about 10? Possibly 20?
I swear this shopping addiction started so recently!! AND I THINK I KNOW WHY HAHAHA.
DAMMIT TAOBAO. Cause this is the time of the year where all the shops stock up on good summer clothes!!! Usually around October till next year February or March like literally ALL the stores will be selling winter wear and there is seriously nothing I like la (do I look like I own a sweater in this weather)
But it's okay cause now that I've identified the root of my addiction... I can justify it by buying more clothes! (Muahaha) Cause from October till next year I won't be shopping from Taobao anymore. So I'll calm down by then. For now I'm stocking up before the winter clothing crisis hits Taobao. Like um, hello, umbrella before the rain? LOL pretty sure that applies to SAVING MONEY in case of an emergency as opposed to SPENDING, but about the same concept right! And during the winter collection period I'll probably be skulking around Sungei Wang / Times Square like a predator hunting down its prey. WHERE ALL THEM CLOTHES AT, HIDE IT I'M COMING (Or you know, welcome me with open arms!)
Ok I also think it's because I've been staying a lot home lately. A LOT. Sooooo I have a lot of free time. Me. And the computer. Watching House MD. Aaaaaand Taobao. It's like a secret guilty pleasure website la LOL. But exams are over nao!! So no more staying home!! No more taobao!! I swear on it.
JK!! You can't seriously think I'm being serious.
But seriously tho. I think I'm getting out of hand. I'm not even sure what the heck I'm going on about (ADRENALINE RUSH!!! JUST HAD THE BEST DOTA GAME EVERRRR THAT LASTED LIKE 70 MINS LOL) (Edit: isn't it fucking weird how I get adrenaline rush from an ONLINE game, not like a PROPER game game. Like sports LOL) (ME. SPORTS. HA.) (MY OWN BOYFRIEND LAUGHS WHEN HE SEES ME RUN) (THAT'S NOT FAIR)
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